Say hello to the smartest and most flexible way to learn the IGBO langauge


Say hello to the smartest and most convenient way to learn IGBO

Appreciate The Igbo Language

Thank you for visiting us online today. We are here to take you on a journey to discover and appreciate the Igbo language and the culture to which it gives expression

Lost Education

Perhaps you are an Igbo adult who did not get a chance to speak Igbo as a child and it bothers you now that your heritage language is steadily falling out of use and may be facing an uncertain future

Diaspora Syndrome

Or you may be an Igbo youth growing up at home or in the Diaspora but with a limited exposure to your heritage language.

Pass It On

Or you are a parent who regrets not speaking Igbo to your children when they were much younger and now would like to make it up to them

Igbo Expertise

Whatever your interest or level of expertise in this language, we are here to help. We would like to introduce you to our very own robust and comprehensive package of Igbo language learning tools. Our book, Ìgbò – Our Mother Language (now in its second edition)

Interactive Learning

In it, you will discover Igbo language made easy. Our online Interactive Audio trainer demonstrates our belief that the key to learning a language is having a vocal role model

Basic Concepts

The materials are easy to read and also easy to follow. You will find them a great reference guide to the Basic Concepts and Essentials of Igbo grammar

Affordable Pricing

We've made it so cheap as to get everyone involve - do not missed out